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Buckin Good Welding Limited

4444 50 Ave, Provost, AB
tel: 780-753-4749

Jim Bali
Owner/ operator

Shop: 780-753-4749
Cel: 780-753-0929
Fax: 888-378-8219
Email: jimmybuckingood@gmail.com

James Hollman
Parts - Office Personal

Shop: 780-753-3550
Email: buckingood2@gmail.com

Rhonda Welsch
Office & Safety Admin
Accounts payable & receivable for Buckin Good Welding & Machine shop

Email: invoicingbuckingood@gmail.com
Direct Line: 780-753-4738

Welding shop hours 8am-5pm
Machine shop hours 8am-4;30pm

Welders Provost
Welders Provost
Welders Provost